Gerry Carino

Where does your drive and motivation come from?
What drives you to make some changes in your life?
It’s Inspiration that drives me.
I love to see people achieve something that they thought was beyond their reach and together feel that excitement.
It all started for me by training Kids to be strong and healthy and then families working out together.
My love and passion grew so much I trained in many fields. I trained fighters for Martial Art fights, (Kung Fu and Kickboxing) kids, special needs, elderly, and those with injures.
We all walk different paths, but we all want to be fit and healthy.
What works for one person may not work for another.
My programs and workouts are personalised for you to achieve your goals.
Certificate in Fitness 3 & 4, First Aid Certificate level 2, Graduate level certificate in Keto nutrition Keto-Mastery, Group Fitness Certificate, Kung Fu and Kickboxing instructor.
Contact Details:
Mobile - 021472039
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